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GDC 6432 Software Remote
Web browser remote (included with dCCU)

Features Description Downloads Ask a Question
  • Allows remote control of GDC 6432 from any network connected PC
  • Runs as a Java app (ver 7 and below only) in a web browser window
  • Shows status of dCU/3 commentators' unit
  • Shows status of monitoring, mix and output
  • Allows control of all system functions such as mic gain, output mix, line idents, etc
  • Allows communication to commentators' and all talk back circuits (subject to 2MB bi-directional audio bandwidth)
  • Size compatible with Apple iPADs

The Java Remote provides full system monitoring, control and communication with the GDC 6432 system. It is a Java application that runs in any web browser in any format (Windows PC, Apple, iPAD).

The dCCU base station contains the Java application. When you type the IP address of the dCCU into a network connected browser, the application is downloaded to your local machine.

Monitor, Control, Communicate
You can remote control and monitor, levels and audio. The visual mixer representation shows real time settings of the dCU3 and the dCCU, allowing engineers to see the commentators pot positions, monitor and adjust mic gain levels, turn on or off mic phantom power, monitor any input into the dCU3, and adjust the output mix level, for example. What's more an engineer is an active participant in the system, as the remote link also carries uncompressed audio (2mb sec each way), allowing the engineer to talkback on any of the 4 circuits, talkback to any commentator, or record the line idents, for example.

The Java Remote is suitable for remote control when part of the managed network, inside an OB truck, or via a high capacity WAN back to an International Broadcast Centre (IBC). It will also allow monitoring and control over an open internet connection, but voice communication is not recommended on the open internet due to the uncompressed 2mb second bir-directional bandwidth required. Using an ISDN or IP codec, the remote audio link could easily be transmitted separately.

Multiple Systems
A benefit of the Java remote is with multiple GDC 6432 systems. The standard version connects to one dCCU from one browser session. Opening multiple browsers as separate windows or tabs, means that each one can connect to a different dCCU. One engineer could therefore monitor and control 10 different systems all as separate tabbed windows in a browser.

The images above are of various screen shots of the Java Remote. The one below is the standard version, and the others show examples of how it can be configured for different applications (optional). Click each image for a closer look.

Webserver remote control works on Microsoft Edge which must be set to Internet Explor compatibility mode.


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