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dc6432 matrix

GDC 6432 Mixer
Mixer/router configuration software (included with dCCU)

Features Description Downloads Ask a Question
  • Allows full control of a 64 input, 32 output router
  • Control routing, switching, and mixing
  • Allows control of the 8 DC input and output loops
  • Contains the setting parameters for the compressor
  • Assign mixing or routing commands to any dCCU or dCU3 button or control
  • Multiple profiles can be stored within the dCCU

The GDC 6432 is a fully configurable router. The dCCU has 16 inputs and 16 out puts on the back, 8 DC loops on the back, 2 inputs on the front, and 2 outputs on the front. The dCU/3 has 8 inputs and 8 outputs. All of these can be configured as you require using the Mixer software.

All labels can be renamed to meet your requirements. The list of inputs run down the left of the screen. There are four functions that can then be applied to each input that feed into one of the outputs from the drop down list on the top right. 

When the mixer is controlled by the Java Remote any combination of switching, mixing and routing is available.

Mixers profiles are updated to the dCCU via USB.

Please Note
The Mixer software does not need to be used. The standard configuration is based on Glensound's long experience in commentary and is suitable for 99% of applications. It does allow you to customise these settings if you feel an alternative would suit your application better.

Please click the screenshot for a closer look at the Mixer.

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