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FW028 Angle BAN FW028 Top BAN FW028 Front BAN FW028 Rear BAN

GS-FW028 (Previously GS-TC9)
12 Circuit Desktop Four Wire Base Station

Features Description Specification Downloads Ask a Question
  • 12 independent 4 wire circuits with interrupt (IFB/ standing inputs)
  • Individual talk switches
  • Talk to all switch
  • Talk switches momentary or latch
  • Programme input with level control
  • 12 incoming 4 wire circuits each with it's own volume control
  • Incoming 4 wire circuits routed to front panel LS/ headphones
  • 12 IFB/ standing inputs
  • IFB inputs interrupt the 4 wire outputs
  • Integral goose neck microphone with gain control
  • External Mic input on 3 pin XLR with gain control
  • Microphone amplifiers have inbuilt limiter/ compressor circuit
  • Presence LEDs on each incoming 4 wire circuit
  • Individual level controls for each incoming 4 wire circuit
  • Internal Loudspeaker with level control
  • Headphone jack (6.35mm) cuts internal LS when in use

A large four wire base station for 12 circuits. Each circuit has its own talk button, return level control, and incoming audio present LED so that you can identify the incoming audio source. There is also a programme input with level control for the GS-FW028 speaker or headphones.

There is a gooseneck microphone with an adjustable level loudspeaker. A 3 pin XLR & 6.35mm jack is on the front panel for connecting a headset.

Connections are on rear panel D-types. Each circuit has two inputs - one that goes to the GS-FW028 monitoring system, the other is fed back down the four wire circuit and is interrupted when the GS-FW028 talk key is pressed.

The GS-FW028 was previously known as the GS-TC9

Input level control range: Off/ 0dBu (centre of pot) / +10dBu
LS Volume range: -20dBu/ 0dBu (centre of pot) / +10dBu
LS Dim: -17 dBu

Mic input level: -34 to -62dBu
Mic Frequency Response: +/- 0.5dBu
Mic Noise @ Mic Gain: -84dBu (RMS 22-22 kHz)
Mic Noise @ max Gain: -63dBu (RMS 22-22 kHz)

Standing (IFB) inputs to Outputs:
Frequency Response: +/- 1dB (30Hz to 16kHz)
Input to output level: < +/- 0.5dB
Noise: Distortion @ + 8dBu: 40Hz to 15kHz < 0.04%
Max input before clipping: +23dBu

Presence LEDs on threshold: <40dB
Presence LEDs hold time: 5 seconds 

Input Impedance: >50K 
Input Type: Electronically balanced
Output impedance: Output Type: Electronically balanced (protected)

Mains: 100 - 250 VAC
Power Consumption: 5.5 Watts

Weight: 2.66Kg
Size: 312 x 242 x 128 mm (W x D x H) excluding gooseneck mic

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